Department of Tax Collector
Located in Borough Hall
176 Park Avenue, Main Level
Contact Info
phone: 201-460-3005
fax: 201-460-3008
Hours: 8:30 – 4:30
Department Head: Bernadette Finelli, Tax Collector
Bernadette Caputo, Tax Cashier
Tax Collector
News & Updates
The Tax Collector’s Office is responsible for the billing and collection of taxes.
A Drop Box is available at Borough Hall, on the Donaldson Avenue side of the building. Payments will only be received for the TAX COLLECTOR, BOROUGH CLERK and BUREAU of FIRE SAFETY. Make checks payable to Borough of Rutherford CHECKS ONLY for your safety, NO CASH. Payments received after 4:00 pm will be posted on the next business day and interest, if applicable, will accrue as of that next business day.
Quarterly Tax Payments Become Due:
- February 1
- May 1
- August 1
- November 1
Postmark is not accepted as a payment date, the payment date is the date that the payment is received in the Tax Collector's office, as per New Jersey State Law. NO POSTDATED CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
There is a ten day grace period each quarter; up to and including the 10th. Should the 10th fall on a weekend or a holiday, payments will be accepted the next business day without interest. The tax payment must be received within the designated grace period; if a payment is received after the grace period, interest is retroactive to the first day of the quarter. Interest in the amount of 8% per annum is charged on the first $1,500.00 of delinquency and 18% per annum on the amount over $1,500.00. Your account will remain at the 18% threshold until it is brought current. Interest accrues daily. For the correct amount due, please contact our office at 201-460-3005.
It is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain records regarding the payment of property taxes. Receipted tax bills or cancelled checks are proof of payment. Tax bills will not be issued when property ownership is transferred. It is the responsibility of the property owner to be aware of tax payment amounts and due dates. Individuals transferring property are requested to turn over the tax bill to the new owner at time of title transfer.
NJ State Statute: NJSA 54:4-64 The validity of any tax or assessment, or the time at which it shall be payable, shall not be affected by the failure of a taxpayer to receive a tax bill, but every taxpayer is put on notice to ascertain from the proper official of the taxing district the amount which may be due for taxes or assessments against him or his property.
Payments may be mailed to:
Tax Collector – Borough Hall
176 Park Avenue
Rutherford, NJ 07070