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Check out all the Holiday activities the Recreation Department has planned this year!
• Letters from Santa! - Fill out this form
If you’d like a very special child who lives in Rutherford to receive a letter in the mail from the North Pole this holiday season, please provide the information below by MIDNIGHT, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9th. The elves, with the help of the Rutherford Rec Department, are working very hard at getting the letters in the mail and to the child’s house by December 25th.
• Holiday House Decorating Contest -
• Gingerbread House Decorating Photo Contest
Please send a clear photo(s) of your submission to rutherfordreccontest@rutherfordboronj.com by DECEMBER 12th, 2024 at midnight. Please include contact information-name, ages of creators, email & phone number. *Community groups may submit one entry. These groups are limited to schools, school groups, senior centers and non-profit organizations.
Must be a Rutherford Resident.
This is an amateur contest. Professional entries will not be accepted.
Gingerbread Houses must be made out of actual Gingerbread, not any other type of material. They may be mounted on plywood platforms.
Structures are not limited to houses—creativity is encouraged.
All items used in building and decorating the Gingerbread House must be edible, except for the base.
By entering this contest, you understand that your submitted photograph & name may be used by the Borough of Rutherford on social platforms.
Only family- friendly submissions will be considered. No politics please.