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2024 Spring Track & Field Program
Mark your calendars! Rutherford Recreation 2024 Spring Track & Field program registration will open on Wednesday, February 28th at 8:30 am. Limited spots.
You can register here
The program will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 pm for Grades K-1st and 6:30-7:30 pm for Grades 2-8th.
It will be starting on Monday, April 1st and run through Wednesday, June 6th. Please meet at the main gate tree at Tryon Field.
The fee is $75.00 per participant and is open to all ability levels. Rutherford residents only. Please wear comfortable clothes & running shoes/sneakers. Please bring water.
There will be track & field meets on Sundays available to participants, but attendance is NOT mandatory. For more information visit the NJ Striders Website at www.njstriders.com.
There will be a parent meeting on March 13th at 6:00pm at PIERREPONT SCHOOL GYM (70 E. Pierrepont Ave-gym entrance on Lincoln Ave).
Introducing our new Track & Field coordinator: Anthony Cox. Coach Anthony hails originally from New York where in high school he was the Brooklyn borough champion and the State Champion of NY in his junior and senior year. He went on to nationals his senior year and placed 3rd in the country in the 60m dash. In college he ran the 100m and 200m dash and placed for nationals every year. We thank our former coordinator, Allison Regan, for her devotion to Rec Track & Field and wish her well on her new endeavors!
We are looking for parent volunteers! Please click on link for more information https://forms.gle/HxF8xHe2fUiaU2dd7
We are also looking to hire youth track & field aides. Please click on link for more information https://forms.gle/NraYM2UXLKJ1pUNd8