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Rutherford Recreation returns to play Monday, January 3rd!
The Borough would like to thank all Rec participants for being patient with the pause of basketball and wrestling programs over the holiday break. This decision was made with input from multiple departments utilizing all data available at the time and with the best interest of the community in mind.
We understand the importance of physical activity and are looking forward to resuming youth winter sports as safely as possible. Therefore, we would like to remind all athletes and spectators that when indoors, masks must be worn by anyone who is not actively participating in a sport. Please come prepared with your own mask upon entering a gym. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Parents and guardians are the first line of defense in creating safe playing conditions for all participants. Please notify the Recreation Department if your child tests positive for COVID. We ask that coaches, of course, do the same if they should test positive.
Recreation programming will follow NJ DOH guidelines for quarantine. Please see this document outlining quarantine guidelines as of 12/30/21.
We’re looking forward to a safe and enjoyable winter season, and with your help we can accomplish that together!
-The Rutherford Recreation Department