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Basketball registration is now open for children in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Games will be scheduled in various Rutherford school gyms on Saturdays, beginning on 12/7/19 through 2/29/20.
(Game times/locations TBA in late November).
First evaluations will take place on Sunday, 10/27/19 (full details to follow).
The non-refundable registration fee is $50.00 until 10/26/19*
- $10.00 late fee after 10/26/19 – only if there are openings. Players registered after this date will be put on a WAIT LIST, and are not guaranteed to be placed on a team.
Registration can be done in person at the Recreation Office (176 Park Avenue), Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm ~ Or, online via Community Pass.
All Coaches must be Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Certified. The Borough of Rutherford will offer a course to Rutherford resident volunteer coaches prior to the start of the basketball season. If you are interested in coaching, please e-mail Erin Petrosino at epetrosino@rutherfordboronj.com.
Thank You!