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This year, the Senior Olympics will be held in Pequannock on Wednesday, June 5, 2019. (Rain Date is Thursday, June 6, 2019). Participants must be available on both dates.
Our first practice will be held on Monday, May 6, 2019 from 1:30-2:30pm at Tamblyn Field Civic Center .
Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear. We will be practicing on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1:30pm – 2:30pm at Tamblyn Field Civic Center, 30 Woodland Avenue, and during the warmer weather at Memorial Park, across from the field house on Monona Avenue.
We would appreciate it if everyone could stop by to practice corn hole, tee ball, soccer goal kick, golf putting, ladder toss golf, and chicken toss. You do not have to stay the entire practice time.
In case of rain, call the Recreation Department at 201-460-3015.
The fee is $5.00 per participant.
Please complete & return the form above with payment to the Recreation Department at 176 Park Avenue, Rutherford. Let’s go for the GOLD!!!