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Vaping: Save Your Breath - What Every Parent Needs to Know
Tuesday, March 7th 2023
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Rutherford Elks Lodge # 547
48 Ames Ave
Presented by Timothy Shoemaker
Sponsored by the Rutherford Police Department, Rutherford Municipal Alliance, GCADA and Elks USA
Both the CDC and U.S. Surgeon Generalhave desperately labeled teen vaping an EPIDEMIC. If your child is approaching the 5th grade or higher, you can no longer afford to ignore this potentially devastating threat to your family’s future.
Hidden behind a thin veil of harm-reduction and commercial propaganda, Teen Vaping has subtlety grown to become our nation’s number one drug threat for teens. Many parents express uncertainty and confusion on this critical topic. It’s time we broke through that. Timothy Shoemaker MS will help you address this issue before it becomes a problem!