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Rutherford Police Department has partnered with New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) to enhance our community engagement with the residents that we proudly serve.
Rutherford PD is excited to announce our Spring 2022 NJMVC Mobile Truck Events:
April 21, 2022
May 12, 2022
Each event will be held at the Memorial Field Parking Lot from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. and our staff will be present.
Registration REQUIRED!
Rutherford Mobile Unit Flyer - APRIL
Rutherford Mobile Unit Flyer - MAY
The Mobile Unit can serve up to 40 customers, with an additional 10 customers to be placed on a standby list.
Currently, NJMVC can process up to 12 REAL ID customers, anything more than that, customers would have to be placed on a stand-by list. REAL ID customers are asked to appear from 10 am to 11:30 am, if you report past noon it’s likely NJMVC will not be able to serve you.
License renewal/REAL ID upgrades - your driver’s license MUST be within six (6) months of expiration at the date of the event.
Surrendering license plates does NOT require a reservation. Simply walk up.
Driver License renewals and upgrading to the REAL ID can be processed within six (6) months of expiration. NO exceptions!
Registration renewals, Veteran Handicap and Purple Heart recipients’ placards.
Permits and Non-Driver ID.
License plate drop-offs are also allowed and do not count against the number of customers we can serve during the event.
Business vehicle registrations
Endorsements (aside from boats & motorcycles)
Knowledge tests
Out of State License Transfers
Permit tests (Mobile Unit only issues permits)
New Titles/Registrations (in-state or out of state)”
RPD will NOT handle the required pre-registration. Each customer must register with the link above for the specific date listed.