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Prescription Drug Take Back Day 10/26

See flyer here

Disposal of Vaping Products

Saturday, October 26

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Rutherford Police Department

184 Park Ave

This Prescription Drug Take Back Day in Rutherford, NJ addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. Did you know that 9.9 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs, according to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were not obtained from drug dealers, but rather from family and friends. Often times without their knowledge from the home medicine cabinet.

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That’s dangerous and often tragic. That’s why it was great to see thousands of folks from across the country clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in - safely and anonymously - a record amount of prescription drugs.

DEA will collect vape pens or other e‐cigarette devices from individual consumers only after the batteries are removed from the devices. It is important to stress that the DEA is not responsible for removing the batteries from the devices.

If the battery cannot be removed, individual consumers can check with large electronic chain stores who may accept the vape pen or e‐cigarette devices for proper disposal.

Individual consumers may also contact their local Hazardous Materials Management Facility to determine if they accept these devices, and for additional guidance regarding proper disposal.