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To help kick off National Night Out 2019, we have added a Poster Contest this year. The Rutherford Police Department is inviting the children of Rutherford to design a National Night Out poster.
Prizes will be awarded for the best poster in each of the following categories:
• ages 5-7
• ages 8-10
• ages 11-13
The three winning posters will be displayed at National Night Out on August 6, 2019.
The theme is “Together We Make a Safe Neighborhood”.
Children should depict what makes them feel safe in their neighborhood and how the police and the community work together to keep them safe. The poster can be made with any drawing or painting materials or combination of thereof (crayon, paint, pencil, etc.) on paper.
Collages of magazines or newsprint are not permitted. Posters may be submitted on paper no larger than 12”x18”. The entrants name, age, address and phone number along with their parent(s) name must be on the back of the poster.
To be eligible to win a prize, the child must be a Rutherford resident.
Poster submissions may be brought to the Rutherford Police Department at 184 Park Avenue between July 17 - 26, 2019. One poster per entrant. The deadline for this contest is Friday, July 26, 2019 at 4 p.m.