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STOP THE BLEED, SAVE A LIFE! - Learn proper Trauma Care Response From The Pros
When serious injuries are suffered, the first few minutes immediately following the incident are often the most critical. Minutes, even seconds count, particularly when there is substantial bleeding. Bystanders can have a lasting impact as they are the first on the scene.
STOP THE BLEED is a FREE, nationwide training campaign to teach bystanders life-saving techniques such as how to apply a pressure bandage and use a tourniquet. You’ll be taught proper Trauma Care Response.
Join members of Rutherford Recreation, Rutherford Police Department and Rutherford Volunteer Ambulance Corp. for this FREE training from Hackensack University Medical Center and learn how you can help save a life!
Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Time: 7 PM (90 Minute Session)
Location: Tamblyn Field Civic Center
(30 Woodland Avenue, Rutherford)
Registration is REQUIRED and seating is limited.
While the training is FREE, we do require advanced registration.
Please R.S.V.P before 9/26/2018 : Sgt. Zeigler 201-460-3054 or jzeigler@rutherfordpd.com
Any questions about the program should be directed to Meliam Gonzales, MSN, RN
at trauma@hackensackmeridian.org