Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing an early morning ULV Truck Spray in Rutherford on Saturday September 14th, between the hours of 3:00-6:00 AM.
Bergen County will be spraying Duet adulticide to eliminate active, adult mosquitoes as well as Vectobac larvacide to help control the mosquito larvae.
As a precaution, please keep windows closed during this time. In the event that it rains, the spray will be postponed until Monday September 16th.
Mosquito Control is everyone’s responsibility; please do your part by preventing mosquitoes from breeding on your property. For more information on mosquitoes and mosquito control contact The Bergen County Mosquito Control Program at 201-634-2880 or 201-634-2881 and or visit their website at https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/public-works-mosquito-control/bergen-county-mosquito-control-spray-notice
Mosquitoes: What Everyone Should Know
Mosquito Control Products: