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Contact: Kathleen Mathieu 201-694-0384 cell or text The Urgency of Now- Blood Drives Support Readiness
“We were all encouraged by the sight of people lining up for hours to give blood because of the Las Vegas massacre,” said Frank Tidona, chair of the Rutherford Community Blood Bank. “At times like this, we are grateful for every drop donated. Our blood bank’s November 6th drive will be an opportunity to alleviate our chronic shortage.”
Rutherford Community Blood Bank, which is celebrating 60 years of saving lives, will hold its fall blood drive on Monday, November 6 at the Kip Center on Kip Avenue in Rutherford from 3 to 8PM.
Pre-registration is not required, but is available online at https://donor.cbsblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/43749 or by calling 201-251-3703. Community Blood Services will provide professional services, as well as a $5.00 “thank you” gift card for Dunkin’ Donuts.
The blood bank, an all-volunteer group, held its first drive on Monday, November 25, 1957, three days before Thanksgiving. At the time, a local paper, The Rutherford Republican, praised the effort and called for community support in an editorial.” Pledge cards are available at every hand and we feel it is our duty to add our support in urging all eligible citizens not now registered to obtain a pledge card –sign it and return it to the committee. To do so, they become a member of this most commendable citizen volunteer public service for fellow citizens in dire physical need.” The Rutherford Republican, November 21, 1957.