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2016 Road Improvement Program

The 2016 Road Improvement Program

Mayor DeSalvo and the borough council want to make residents aware that the preliminary site work for the 2016 road improvement project has begun and milling and paving is scheduled to begin next week on or about October 17th. The timing of the borough road project allowed the governing body to take advantage of competitive asphalt pricing. The good news for Rutherford taxpayers and residents is that the borough benefits by maximizing the linear feet of road paving including especially wide streets like Carmita Avenue and Orient Way.

Additionally, the recent uncertainty with the NJ Transportation Trust Fund helped increased contractor availability creating further savings. Grant funding is also being utilized for sidewalk improvements on Orient Way from Glen Road to Passaic Avenue.

The following streets are scheduled to be paved:

Orient Way from Highland Cross to East Passaic

East Van Ness Avenue from Delafield Avenue to Lincoln Avenue

West Newell Avenue from Mortimer Avenue to Park Avenue

West Park Avenue from Mortimer Avenue to Park Avenue

Wheaton Place from Addison Avenue to Marginal Road

Lincoln Avenue from East Pierrepont Avenue to East Park Place

Washington Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Wood Street

Grove Street from Union Avenue to West Erie

Carmita Avenue from Woodward Avenue to Union Avenue

Santiago from Union to Fransico