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Please Note: On May 11th, The Mayor& Council of Rutherford passed Resolution #87-2020 to extend the final due date for 2nd quarter, 2020 property taxes to June 1, 2020. This is in response to the Governor’s Executive Order 130 allowing municipalities to take such action in this time of emergency.
Please be advised that any payment received after June 1st, will have interest calculated back to the original statutory due date of May 1, 2020.
Due to COVID-19, Borough Hall is closed to the public at this time. We strongly urge you to avail yourselves to one of the following for the payment of property taxes:
USPS mail or other delivery entity;
Place sealed envelope in the drop box located by the entrance door on the Donaldson Avenue side of Borough Hall; or
Via our online payment portal on this web-site.
NO CASH will be accepted. Checks or money orders only or debit/credit cards via online portal.
If you want a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
For further information, please contact us at 201-460-3005.