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7pm - Lincoln Park
trackless train, rock wall, DJ, face painting, and community organization information tables.
There will also be: Volunteer Fire trucks, Volunteer Ambulance Squad & Rutherford Police vehicles!
For More Information Contact Rutherford Recreation at 201-460-3015
5:30-9:30PM – Dining Under the Stars on Park Ave.
Enjoy dinner with friends and family! Thanks!!!
Feed the Hungry Humvee! The Police will also be collecting donations for the food pantry from 7-9pm.
Your donation will ensure members of our community who are experiencing extreme hardship & are taking part in the Food Pantry Program are able to obtain the essentials needed while allowing them to maintain their dignity. For a current list of Pantry Needs click here:
Donations can be delivered in advance to the Rutherford Police Department @ 184 Park Avenue.